Monday, June 4, 2007

3 Day Mini Cruise to Oslo

Windmills! (This one is for you Caroline)
Finally on the boat.
Beautiful weather.
Beautiful people. :)
At 5.30 P.M. and it was time to get a little sun-shine.
Studying the wine-card. Hmmm...
Waiter / Photographer all in one.
Spleen United played at the boat that night.
From the nightclub where the band played.
Drunk 'n' happy.
The DJ was hiding in his booth.
Sausage Fest!
Welcome to sunny Oslo.
Kinky umbrellas eh?
Heading for the Viking ship Museum.
The bus was replaced by a small boat.
"Look! a funny roof!"
The Viking ship Museum was disappointing...
This is how Søren felt about it.
A nice smoothie at a café saved the day.
"Happy days"
Norwegian shop called "Kondomeriet" :D
Lunch time at "Rock Café Elmstreet"
Big juicy chili-burger...
...small puny veggie-burger.
Posh dinner.
Love is in the air!
Crazy nightclub packed with drunk Scandinavians.
The boat from afar.
"I love you beautiful"
Christoffer's birthday party in a garden.
Jane, Kristin, Joel and Søren in a packed Scottish Pub.
How about some good old Burger King?

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